Office Building TAKIKO
Office Building TAKIKO
Photo / Toshiyuki Yano
Contractor / Kikuhara
This project converted an old combined shop and residence in Nagoya’s Mizuho district into a shared office and coworking space. Although the compact four-story structure originally had a building footprint of just 26.4 square meters, we decided to further reduce the interior space by removing the original windows and constructing a new inner layer of exterior walls, thereby creating semi-enclosed terraces on each floor between the old façade and the new walls. All of the new outdoor areas contain potted plants, giving each office a lush green space under the eaves. Even these small buffers between exterior and interior are enough to create a sense of distance from the city outside, making for comfortable, high-quality work spaces. The terrace plantings are equipped with automatic sprinkler systems so they can be easily maintained even when a particular office is not occupied. In order to allow occupants to either use the interior rooms as-is or fix them up as desired, we intentionally limited our changes to a coat of paint over the stripped-down spaces when remodeling. We hope that the project will both enrich the working environment of those who use the building and serve as catalyst for neighborhood revitalization.